Skincare products have come a long way. You can see drastic improvements from treatments you use at home. While you can find products at significant savings on websites such as Amazon and eBay; if you want to get the best results, you need to use a medical grade skincare product.
Medical grade skincare products contain higher concentrations of active ingredients than their over-the-counter counterparts. They are allowed to do this because they are dispensed by medical professionals who can regulate their use. |
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Department store products are created to be used by anyone and their production and distribution is not overseen by a doctor, so they can't legally contain the same concentrations. Due to the strength (or lack of) of department store skincare products, they can only be absorbed into the first layer of skin.
But, in order to actually see true improvements, treatments need to penetrate into the middle layer of skin, where elastin and collagen are stored, and even into the bottom layer, where new cells are produced. This requires a strength above what is offered from over-the-counter treatments.
The difference between skincare products
The most important difference between medical-grade skincare products and over-the-counter skincare products is: Medical grade skincare products have undergone rigorous testing to prove their ability to work.
Their treatments and results are often documented in medical journals, so you can feel confident you are purchasing a product that will work.
SkinMedica® provides extensive product information to medical professionals who have been authorized to sell their products.
Their treatments and results are often documented in medical journals, so you can feel confident you are purchasing a product that will work.
SkinMedica® provides extensive product information to medical professionals who have been authorized to sell their products.
This ensures you are using the best products for your desired results.
Why consult a medical professional A medical professional will also be able to instruct you on the proper way to use these products, and will be able to educate you on possible interactions with other products, medications, and medical conditions you have. For example, while you can readily purchase a retinoid product on Amazon, healthcare professionals will advise against using it while pregnant or breastfeeding. This is something that may not be listed in the product description, but a medical professional would be sure to tell you. |
Don't let unauthorized retailers fool you
It is also important to note that SkinMedica® has not authorized the sale of their products through sellers such as Amazon and eBay. In fact, SkinMedica® has listed 63 online sellers who claim to sell SkinMedica® products but are not authorized to do so; click here to see the list. When you purchase a product from an unauthorized retailer you can end up experiencing unwanted outcomes, some of which could be serious. A few common situations are:
- It could be completely fake. In this technologically advanced world we live in, it is relatively easy to make a perfect reproduction of a product label and place it on a fancy container with inexpensive store brand lotion inside. You cannot be sure your product is real if it's purchased from an unauthorized seller. This is why you'll see reviews saying the product didn't work or smelled different than they remembered it smelling when they used it from an authorized seller in the past.
- It could be expired. It is not unheard of for a medically supervised spa or business to close down and sell their remaining stock at a significant discount. Then that buyer turns around to sell the product on Amazon or another "beauty site," regardless of the expiration date. This can result in anything from products which have lost their potency and no longer work to products becoming more reactive and causing burning, redness and peeling.
- You could potentially worsen your skin situation. For example, if you based your purchases off internet research alone, you may believe that your bumps and redness are merely adult acne, and may decide to treat with an exfoliating product. In reality, your condition could be rosacea, which would actually be exacerbated by such an aggressive treatment, and should instead be cleansed and moisturized with products created for sensitive skin.
Don't make the mistake of thinking a high price equals high quality!
We want you to purchase products that will provide the deep results you're looking for. Whether it's treating
We are always happy to offer a FREE product consultation, just Give Us a Call!
We want you to purchase products that will provide the deep results you're looking for. Whether it's treating
- discoloration,
- scarring,
- roughness,
- fine lines or
- wrinkles
We are always happy to offer a FREE product consultation, just Give Us a Call!